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How to Safely Store Your Coin Collection

How to Safely Store Your Coin Collection

How to Safely Store Your Coin Collection

Coin collections have a deep and rich history, and in order to preserve this history, you need to store your coins so that they are not damaged. Properly stored coins will be worth more and will bring more money to your heirs when it comes time to sell them.

Mints make coins out of metal, and with the exception of gold, most of them will react negatively to various environmental factors. Some of the most common metals used in coins are copper and silver. These metals are also among the most reactive metals. If you know what kind of enemy it is, you can create a defense plan to protect your collection.

Causes of damage

Although most of the metal is usually a durable substance, there are many factors that can negatively affect the condition of your coins. Many collectors put their coins for a long time without even checking them. Regularly checking the condition of your coins in stock is one of the best ways to stop damage before it starts.


Humidity is the main enemy of the coin. Copper and silver coins are one of the most common metals used in the production of coins. Unfortunately, these two metals chemically react when they come into contact with water. Water vapor to one degree or another surrounds us everywhere, and it can penetrate into almost anything. Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult environmental causes of coin damage that needs to be prevented. Some companies sell coin holders as "sealed," but their tightness is not guaranteed..

Heat and cold

Heat itself does not necessarily damage coins. But heat reduces the time it takes for a coin to be damaged by other environmental factors, such as humidity, acids, and air pollution. On the other hand, cold can also damage the fragile surface of non-circulating coins when moisture condenses into liquid water that settles on the surface of the coin.


Acids come from different sources. The most common source of acid is coin collection accessories, which are made from standard paper and cardboard, in which the acid was used in the manufacturing process. Over time, these acids are washed out of paper or cardboard and cause toning and tarnishing, especially on copper and silver coins. The adhesives used in packaging can also release acids. Another source of acid is wooden furniture and household items such as cleaning solutions and fumes released during cooking. Do not store your coin collection in a cabinet where detergents or other chemicals are stored..


Chlorine causes a chemical reaction that negatively affects the appearance of your coins. This can range from minor unsightly toning to corrosion, which causes pits on the surface of the coin. One of the main sources of this is a somersault made of plastic containing PVC (polyvinyl chloride). In addition, couples from the hot tub or pool can seep into the place where you keep your coin collection.

Air pollution

Air pollution is harmful not only to our health, but also to the health of our coin collections. Air pollution is mostly a problem in densely populated urban areas, where air pollution from vehicles can accumulate as smog and infiltrate surrounding buildings. Over the years, steps have been taken to reduce the amount of harmful gases emitted by vehicles, but they can still exist in sufficient quantities to damage the coin. Do not store coins near a garage or storage of petroleum products.


Mishandling causes the most preventable type of coin damage. Touching the coin with your fingers can leave deposits of acids and oils that will damage the surface. In addition, the fall of the coin on a hard surface can cause irreparable damage, which will reduce the value of the coin. You should always follow safe methods of handling coins. This includes handling coins in soft cotton or nitrile gloves. Always put coins on a soft pillow or towel.

Best Storage Solutions

Unfortunately, there is no solution that will provide 100% complete protection for your coins. However, you can choose the right environment and coin reserves to protect your coins from the possible damage that awaits them during storage..

Choose the right coin holder, album, or folder

Storing your collection in a box, jar or just in a chest of drawers will cause significant damage to your coins. The first step to saving your coin collection is to make sure it's properly placed in a coin acceptor, coin album, or coin folder. Albums and coin folders not only protect your coins from physical damage, but also help organize your collection by giving you a hole to place the coins inside the album. Folders and albums are marked with dates, mint marks, and additional information, so your coin collection is cataloged at the same tim


As the old adage about real estate goes, "location, location, location" is everything. Where you store your collection is just as important as how you store your collection. Your basic rule of thumb should be, "If the environment is comfortable enough for a person, it is likely to be satisfactory for your coins."

Extremes such as the basement (cold and wet) or attic (hot and harsh) should be avoided so that your coin collection is in the best possible condition. The best place is a shelter or bedroom. Also, choose a room away from the kitchen where cooking oils and moisture can quickly make their way into your coin holders, folders, and albums..

If you live in a coastal area by ocean or sea, special precautions must be taken to ensure that your coins are not damaged by wet and salty environments. Copper coins are most susceptible to environmental damage from moisture and salt in the air near coastal settlements.


One of the safest places to store your coin collection is a safe deposit box in a bank. Unfortunately, this is also probably the most expensive solution. Bank vaults are built to keep out criminals and shoot. Bank vaults are made of a material that will release water vapor that will maintain the temperature in the vault in the event of a fire. Naturally, some water evaporates over time. Hence, this will provide a very humid environment for your collection. Water vapor can be absorbed by placing a bag of silica gel in a safe. Remember to change it a couple of times a year to keep it fresh and soak up as much water vapor as possible.

Safe for home / office?

A less costly option is to buy a safe for your home or office to store a collection of coins. Once you buy a safe, you will no longer be charged an annual fee like a safe. Unfortunately, home and office safes are made of the same material as bank vaults. You should also use a packet of silica gel to absorb moisture and prevent damage to the coins.

In addition, you should also purchase a professionally installed alarm system. This will protect your home, your family and coin collection from various threats. These threats include intruders, fire, flooding and sudden changes in temperature..

Metal cabinet or bookshelf

Wooden bookshelves and cabinets can release harmful chemicals into the environment around your coin collection due to coatings, glue, and wood itself as it ages. A metal cabinet with locks, while not as reliable as a safe, will provide a safe environment for your collection as it has no wood-related issues. Be careful when placing a metal cabinet, because metal tends to attract moisture in the form of condensation. Removing this humidity from the air and applying it to coins can be very harmful. Properly protecting, preserving and storing your coin collection ensures that your coins will be available to future generations.


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