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gold detector schematic diagram

 gold detector schematic diagram In the category homemade metal detector - how to make a gold detector at home more articles and learn more information about gold detector schematic diagram Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

Penetration ability. This parameter allows you to increase the penetration of magnetic radiation under the soil surface. This characteristic largely depends on the type of soil, its condition and humidity. The parameter of the transmitter coil is responsible for this value. The wider the diameter of this element, and the greater the number of turns of wire on it, the more powerful the magnetic field created will be. But the magnitude of the field is not a parameter of the exact impact in depth. A significant part of the power can be lost when expanding the zone. Here the main thing is to find a golden mean between the amount of penetration and the width of the impact zone.

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Impact zone. This characteristic allows you to reduce or expand the impact zone. If the device has the possibility of wide coverage, then this significantly reduces the possibility of penetration into the ground. If the zone is narrow, then the penetrating power is higher, and the accuracy is greater. The coverage area can be narrowed or expanded. This is especially necessary when the device has reacted to metal, but it is quite difficult to accurately determine its location. When the impact zone is narrowed, the power increases, thereby allowing you to narrow the search and more accurately determine the location of the occurrence.

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